UV mapping was a pain took a while to grasp this technique to my understanding uv mapping is when you take a object and rap a texture around it. with uv mapping you need to make sure all your textures are the same size, depending on the object there are different techniques what you can use to help uv a object depending on the shape it self. Planar mapping is use more for the flat shapes such as floors, picture frames, rulers, doors ect, then you have Cylindrical mapping what is better use for cylinder shapes such as balls, poles, bottles. Automatic mapping is used best for organic shapes like characters, cars but is very useful for any shape of model and also there is Spherical mapping but i have never used this function but to my understand its not much different to Cylindrical mapping. With all these mapping techniques you have to use the UV texture editor this is a option box what will open where you have a grid on the screen in the top right hand corner there is a zero to one graph were all your uv's will be displayed and that is were you edit your uv's. with this function box open you can move and sew were you select a edge and move an sew together were you can cut along a edge if a piece of the uv you did not want to connect to a section of what is being uv or if you are cutting your seem. unfolding is when you select your uv's to unfold them if there is any over lapping to see if there is over lapping you can turn on shade uv's but these all things i learnt from tutorials from www.digital-tutorials.com i highly recommend this site for any one. here are some examples of my uv mapping bellow :
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